Orange County Launches Tourism Cooperative Marketing Grant
Courtesy of Orange County Economic Development and Tourism
Orange County Economic Development and Tourism are pleased to announce a Cooperative Marketing Grant program. The program offers a matching 1:1 reimbursement, up to $5,000, to Orange County tourism related businesses and organizations. This grant leverages Orange County Economic Development dollars with matching funds provided by the applicant for their proposed marketing project. This grant program was created to assist businesses (non - franchise) and organizations located, operating, or hosting an event in Orange County, Virginia, with marketing and promotion. The Tourism Advisory Committee will review and approve all grant applications.
Lori Landes - Carter, Tourism Manager, noted, “ The Tourism Cooperative Marketing Grant will offer an opportunity to create partnerships and support within the tourism industry that are crucial to the success of our destination. The Tourism industry has been one of the hardest hit in the last 18 months, and this cooperative grant will supplement and amplify the marketing efforts of our local businesses and organizations. ”
For more information regarding the program and how to apply, visit - orange/incentives or contact Lori Landes - Carter, Tourism Manager, at (540) 661 - 5324.
Page 9 | October, 2021
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