Orange County Insight October 2021

Local Redistricting in Orange County By Alyson Simpson, Chief Deputy Clerk

The Board of Supervisors has begun its work on completing the required Decennial Redistricting. Redistricting is the process of redrawing the boundaries of the County ’ s voting districts, which represent the specific geographic areas of the County that elect the members of the Board of Supervisors. The process is designed to account for population and demographic growth and shifts. Redistricting occurs every ten (10) years following the United States decennial census and is the responsibility of both State and local governments. In accordance with Federal and State constitutional and statutory laws, the redistricting process includes establishing voting district boundaries, precinct boundaries within those district boundaries, and polling place locations for each of those precincts.

It is essential to note that any changes adopted as part of this redistricting would not be effective during the election on November 2, 2021. Changes would become effective for any elections in 2022 and beyond.

As part of the redistricting process, the Board had a Public Input Session on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, to receive input they could consider ahead of the Public Hearing. The Public Hearing for redistricting is scheduled as part of the 5:00 p.m. meeting on Tuesday, October 26, 2021. Interested persons can attend the hearing to present their comments or can submit written comments in advance. For more information and to view the proposed maps, visit the Local Redistricting page on the County ’ s website or contact the County Administrator ’ s Office at (540) 672 - 3313.

Reflection on National Farmer ’ s Day By Courtney Wesner, Orange County Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent

National Farmer ’ s Day was observed on October 12, 2021, and I must note the irony of a day called “ National Farmer ’ s Day ”.

Every day is a farmer ’ s day. Early to rise and late to bed. Crops need planting and harvesting and livestock needs tending. Those things don ’ t take days off, and they don ’ t have days singularly dedicated to them. There are no holidays, no paid time off, no sick leave in farming.

A farmer ’ s hard work and dedication is something that our nation ’ s security and bounty has been built upon and around from the beginning of time. National and local economies are contributed to and built around the day - in and day - out work of the farmer.

Over the past year, the men and women of Orange County agriculture have endured challenging times with steadfast reserve and dedication. This is something that is truly remarkable. They will do the same this year, and next. Please join me in taking pause and recognizing the character and dedication of the men and women that continue to provide each of us with the commodities and sustenance that we need to live our best lives. Thank a farmer, and let ’ s all remember that every day is a farmer ’ s day.

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