Orange County Insight October 2021


2021 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AND SECOND HALF REAL ESTATE TAX 2021 Personal Property Taxes and Second half Real Estate Taxes are due on December 6, 2021. (December 5 th falls on a weekend, therefore, the due date defaults to the next business day). Original billing statements have been mailed and amounts due are available here. If you have received your tax bill and have address change or assessment/billing concerns, please call the Commissioner of the Revenue ’ s Office at (540) 672 - 4441. Payment question or haven ’ t received your tax bill, please call the Treasurer ’ s Office at (540) 672 - 2656. The Orange County Treasurer ’ s Office accepts payments through the following methods: · Via drop box, located at 112. W. Main Street, Orange · Online: Payment Options page on the Orange County website · By mail to the Orange County Treasurer, P.O. Box 469, Orange, VA 22960 *Note if you are mailing your tax payments please mail in advance to ensure that they are postmarked on or before the due date. If you wait to mail, please hand deliver to the Post Office to get them to stamp it with the date you dropped it off. The post mark from the Post Office is what we go by to accept payments that are mailed on time. 2020 DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES On September 1, 2021, all unpaid 2020 taxes were handed over to Taxing Authority Consulting Services, P.C. (TACS) for further collections. If you owe 2020 and prior, call (804) 545 - 2500 to pay or make arrangements to pay. DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE TAXES Real estate parcels that are more than two years delinquent are assigned to Taxing Authority Consulting Services, P.C. for collections and processing for the tax sale of property. Any collection administrative or legal costs incurred to collect the taxes owed will be charged to the taxpayer.

Reminders Short - Term Rental (Transient Occupancy Tax) - 3 rd quarter filings are due by October 31, 2021. More information can be found here: http:// - Occupancy - Tax - Short - Term - Renta

For more information visit or contact Dawn Herndon, Treasurer, at (540) 672 - 2656 or

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