Orange County Insight October 2021

Citizens Ask...

By Michelle Williams

Q: I keep trying to call Circuit Court at (540) 672 - 4030, but the call does not go through. How can I reach this office? A: The Orange County Circuit Court and Orange County General District Court are temporarily receiving phone calls at alternative phone numbers while their phone system undergoes maintenance. They can be reached at the following numbers: Circuit Court (540) 672 - 6162 General District Court (540) 672 - 6164 Q: Who do I contact if I lose my dog or cat? A: You can contact the Sheriff's Office and report the loss to an Animal Control Officer but we suggest that you also contact the Animal Shelter at (540) 672 - 1124 to make a report. If you live in an area of Orange County that borders a neighboring county, you should call the animal shelter for that county as well to make a report.

Custodial Staff

Get to know Orange County staff... The Personnel File:

Happy Custodian Appreciation Day!

This month we are honoring our hardworking Custodial staff who keep our facilities safe and clean on a daily basis. Our dedicated personnel serve internal and external customers with a smile and devotion to stellar customer service. Thank you!

Back Row, Left to Right: Charles Ellis, Lewis Davis, Janet Walker, Michael Lempke, Stephen Haney

Front Row, Left to Right: Donna Ellis, Sandra La Fond, Sarah Blackwell, Cindy Hawkins

Page 28 | October, 2021

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