Lifesaving Awards Presented for Heart - Stopping Heroism By Michelle Williams, Deputy Clerk / Senior Administrative Assistant
At the September 14, 2021, Board of Supervisors ’ Regular Meeting, County Administrator, Theodore L. Voorhees, read a narrative recalling the events that occurred on the morning of August 5, 2021, when Deputy Randy Amos was moving inmates from the Circuit Court back to the holding cells. As Deputy Amos was entering the hallway outside of the holding cells, an inmate began to lean against the wall holding his head. He asked him if he was okay, but received no response from the inmate, who then collapsed on the floor. With the assistance of Control Room Operator, Robert Kelley, Deputy Amos was able to get the other inmates into the holding cell as he quickly checked for a pulse and breathing. He determined there was no pulse, and the inmate was not breathing. Deputy Amos instructed Mr. Kelley to call 911 and to notify the other bailiffs to get the AED and come assist. Deputy Amos then began performing CPR. Soon thereafter, Sgt. Mike Garrison and Deputy Don Hawkins arrived with the AED. Deputy Hawkins began hooking up the AED while Sgt. Garrison took over performing CPR. Ultimately, the inmate was revived before EMS arrived and transported him to a hospital. If it was not for the quick actions of these employees, the inmate would have died. Before presenting the Lifesaving Awards, District 5 Supervisor Lee Frame, stated, “ The public ’ s interaction with the police force or the deputies is ‘ can I see your license and registration. ’ We know that the deputies of Orange County take the protect and serve motto very, very seriously. They are doing great things for all of us, and a lot of people aren ’ t always aware of it. So, things like this are a chance of making the public aware of how much you do mean to us and how important you are to our safety. Thank you very much! ”
District 5 Supervisor Lee Frame pictured with Deputy Amos and Sergeant Garrison
Page 3 | October, 2021
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