Orange County Insight October 2021

Orange County's monthly source for in-depth information about activities, programs, events, and more.



Lifesaving Awards Presented Page 3

Upcoming Community Events Pages 7 - 8

Tourism and Economic Development Grants Launched Pages 9 - 10


Change is in the Air

In August I mentioned in my Ted Talk that we ’ d be developing our Game Plan for organizational excellence. The plan is ready to present and is scheduled for the November 17th Board of Supervisors meeting. Meanwhile, here are

a few things already underway:

This week we launched our second Employee Engagement Survey designed to better understand what employees are thinking and how well they are connected to the organization and its mission. You may recall we implemented several initiatives from employee feedback last survey, so please take a moment to respond to this year ’ s survey. Look for an email from Energage, our third - party administrator, with a link for our 2021 employee engagement survey! Organizational Structure is important for alignment and accountability. With the announcement of Kurt Hildebrand ’ s retirement at the end of November, I am pleased to announce that Stephanie Straub will begin serving as Acting Assistant County Administrator beginning in November while Kurt closes out his projects. Stephanie will assume the regular role December 1st. At that time, Glenda Bradley will also be elevated to Deputy County Administrator in recognition of her experience and serving as the primary Acting County Administrator. This will mark the elimination of the Management Services department/function as well. A few other portfolio tweaks are in the works as we work through these changes, so stay tuned. Please offer your support and congratulations to Kurt upon his pending retirement and to Glenda and Stephanie for their continued service.

- Ted Voorhees, County Administrator

Cover photo courtesy of Market at Grelen, Somerset Virginia

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Page | October, 2021

Page 2 | October, 2021

Lifesaving Awards Presented for Heart - Stopping Heroism By Michelle Williams, Deputy Clerk / Senior Administrative Assistant

At the September 14, 2021, Board of Supervisors ’ Regular Meeting, County Administrator, Theodore L. Voorhees, read a narrative recalling the events that occurred on the morning of August 5, 2021, when Deputy Randy Amos was moving inmates from the Circuit Court back to the holding cells. As Deputy Amos was entering the hallway outside of the holding cells, an inmate began to lean against the wall holding his head. He asked him if he was okay, but received no response from the inmate, who then collapsed on the floor. With the assistance of Control Room Operator, Robert Kelley, Deputy Amos was able to get the other inmates into the holding cell as he quickly checked for a pulse and breathing. He determined there was no pulse, and the inmate was not breathing. Deputy Amos instructed Mr. Kelley to call 911 and to notify the other bailiffs to get the AED and come assist. Deputy Amos then began performing CPR. Soon thereafter, Sgt. Mike Garrison and Deputy Don Hawkins arrived with the AED. Deputy Hawkins began hooking up the AED while Sgt. Garrison took over performing CPR. Ultimately, the inmate was revived before EMS arrived and transported him to a hospital. If it was not for the quick actions of these employees, the inmate would have died. Before presenting the Lifesaving Awards, District 5 Supervisor Lee Frame, stated, “ The public ’ s interaction with the police force or the deputies is ‘ can I see your license and registration. ’ We know that the deputies of Orange County take the protect and serve motto very, very seriously. They are doing great things for all of us, and a lot of people aren ’ t always aware of it. So, things like this are a chance of making the public aware of how much you do mean to us and how important you are to our safety. Thank you very much! ”

District 5 Supervisor Lee Frame pictured with Deputy Amos and Sergeant Garrison

Page 3 | October, 2021

Coffee with a Cop By Michelle Williams, Deputy Clerk / Senior Administrative Assistant

While Teresa Burrus isn ’ t a law enforcement officer, she has plenty of experience when it comes to first responding. With just shy of 29 years of experience as a Communications Officer and Terminal Agency Coordinator - Virginia Criminal Information Network (TAC VCIN), Teresa is hanging up the headset and heading into a relaxing retirement.

Teresa got her feet wet in first responding by volunteering with Orange and Mine Run Volunteer Rescue Squads for 8 years. “ I was looking for something as a career and would spend time at the Sheriff ’ s Office with the communications officers. I think Bill Spence realized I wasn ’ t going anywhere, and he finally hired me, ” recounted Teresa. When you ask someone to recount the most memorable event during their career, you expect to hear a story about how they saved a life. I didn ’ t consider the event she was going to recount. “ I worked the night my son, Jeremy, was killed in a car crash, ” stated Teresa stoically. “ I was the only dispatcher on duty that night. Jim Fenwick was the sergeant on duty when the call came in. As he was leaving, I told him to let me know if it was a blue jeep. ” When I asked her how she was able to perform her job duties knowing that her son had just died, she simply stated, “ Your training just kicks in. ” From dispatching fire and rescue to notifying the funeral home and wrecker service, Teresa did it all that night. She spoke fondly of a few Sheriff ’ s Office employees that helped her get through that evening. Teresa affectionately mentioned “ Kono, ” or as most civilians would know him, Deputy Ken Lickliter. “ Kono drove me home and around to let my family know about Jeremy. ” It was a glaringly obvious answer to me when I asked Teresa what she believed her strengths were when it came to her job. She thought about it for a moment and said, “ instincts and training. ” “ I was [Captain] Jason Smith ’ s FTO (field training officer). He ’ d call to ask me how to do something and I never led him wrong. ”

I couldn ’ t interview Teresa without asking what the funniest thing is she had ever seen while working. “ The DUI arrests are the best thing to watch, ” she said with a big smile on her face. “ They admit to everything! Then when those cuffs go on, they start crying and say, ‘ I didn ’ t say that ’ or ‘ I only had one drink ’.” When asked what advice she would give to people who want to become a communications officer or are new to the career, Teresa remarked, “ Stick with it. It ’ s not easy and it will break your heart. Your coworkers will become a new family and be sure to talk to them about what ’ s going on and what upsets you. ” Teresa Burrus, Orange County wishes you as much success in your retirement that you have had with this organization. You deserve much happiness and relaxation in your retirement! Thank you for your years of dedicated service.

Photo courtesy of the Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office, 2015

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Page 6 | October, 2021

Don ’ t Miss These Community Events! Information Courtesy of Lori Landes - Carter, Tourism Manager, Orange County Tourism

Liberty Mills Farm Corn Maze Largest Corn Maze in the U.S.! The theme this year, “ America the Beautiful. ” September 11 th through the second weekend of November.

October Candlelight Tour at the Exchange Hotel Friday, October, 2021 7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Tour the museum after dark, by candlelight. Learn all about its history and possibly some of our guests that still roam the halls of The Exchange! HOWLOWEEN GHOUL - A - PALOOZA IN DOWNTOWN ORANGE October 29, 2021 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. FREE - Downtown Orange trick or treating on East and West Main Street Recycle Your Candy Wrappers and Receive a Free Coloring Book During Downtown Orange Trick or Treat October 29, 2021 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Annual Antiques Appraisal Fair at the James Madison Museum

Saturday, October 16, 2021

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The Lake of the Woods Players: The Addams Family Musical Weekends of Oct. 15 & Oct. 22 Our very own Board of Supervisors ’ member, Lee Frame, is participating in the cast!

Page 7 | October, 2021

Montpelier Hunt Races

On the Grounds of James Madison ’ s Montpelier

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Suffragette Tea Party at James Madison Museum November 14, 2021 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Join the James Madison Museum in belatedly, celebrating the passage of the 19th Amendment. Turkey Toss Disc Golf Tournament Saturday, November 20 th Orange County Parks and Recreation is hosting a specialty doubles disc golf tournament at the Orange County Disc Golf Course.

Be sure to bookmark the Visit Orange events page so you don ’ t miss the fun!

Page 8 | October, 2021

Orange County Launches Tourism Cooperative Marketing Grant

Courtesy of Orange County Economic Development and Tourism

Orange County Economic Development and Tourism are pleased to announce a Cooperative Marketing Grant program. The program offers a matching 1:1 reimbursement, up to $5,000, to Orange County tourism related businesses and organizations. This grant leverages Orange County Economic Development dollars with matching funds provided by the applicant for their proposed marketing project. This grant program was created to assist businesses (non - franchise) and organizations located, operating, or hosting an event in Orange County, Virginia, with marketing and promotion. The Tourism Advisory Committee will review and approve all grant applications.

Lori Landes - Carter, Tourism Manager, noted, “ The Tourism Cooperative Marketing Grant will offer an opportunity to create partnerships and support within the tourism industry that are crucial to the success of our destination. The Tourism industry has been one of the hardest hit in the last 18 months, and this cooperative grant will supplement and amplify the marketing efforts of our local businesses and organizations. ”

For more information regarding the program and how to apply, visit - orange/incentives or contact Lori Landes - Carter, Tourism Manager, at (540) 661 - 5324.

Page 9 | October, 2021

Orange County Launches First Ever Revolving Loan Fund Courtesy of Orange County Economic Development

Orange County Economic Development is pleased to announce a Revolving Loan Fund program, aimed to provide a flexible source of supplemental financing for businesses expanding or locating in Orange County. The fund, created to assist businesses response to impacts from the COVID - 19 pandemic, was funded using American Rescue Plan Act monies. Community Investment Collaborative (CIC) will administer the fund and only Orange County businesses will be eligible to receive loans from the fund. Eligible uses for loan proceeds include operating capital, land or building acquisition, new construction, property rehabilitation or improvements, the purchase of equipment, supplies and material, and inventory for resale.

The Revolving Loan Fund is the first of its kind available to Orange County businesses and will offer individual loans up to $20,000. Rose Deal, Economic Development Director, noted, “ The Orange County Revolving Loan Fund will provide affordable loans to the business community and help get additional support to more Orange County businesses as the community continues to recover from impacts associated with the coronavirus pandemic. ” As a certified Community Development Finance Institution (CDFI) and a focus on under - resourced entrepreneurs, CIC is an ideal partner for this initiative. Since launching in 2012, it has made nearly $2 million in microloans to businesses throughout the region, displaying its commitment to the continued evolution of the business community and the entrepreneurial spirit of its members. "We're excited to launch this new partnership with Orange County and to assist Orange County entrepreneurs access the capital they need to launch and grow their businesses," said Stephen Davis, President of CIC.

For more information regarding the program, please visit our website at why - orange/financing or contact Rose Deal, Economic Development Director, at (540) 672 - 1238.

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Page 14 | October, 2021

A League of “ There Thrown ”

By Jayson Woods, Programs & Facilities Supervisor, Orange County Parks & Recreation

Since the opening of the Orange County Disc Golf Course in June of 2019, Orange County Parks & Recreation has endeavored to promote it as a location of active programming in addition to its natural state of passive recreation. We ’ ve achieved this through directly offering several tournaments with unique play formats, including our doubles ’ “ Turkey Toss ” and the individual “ Spring Fling. ” There ’ s more to come, as we are currently planning another casually competitive tournament (with only one disc allowed per

participant) and a youth introductory program for the

upcoming winter season. However, we wanted to take a moment and recognize the die - hard participants of our first league program at the course, the “ Would Chuck ” Disc Golf League. The league takes its name from the willingness of the participants to give it a shot, while making a tongue - in - cheek nod to the several groundhog residents along the course outskirts. Though just a pilot program designed to let our department experiment with formats and timing while gauging interest, the league has enjoyed the regular participation of 11 folks every Wednesday evening! A pack of clear

frontrunners emerged early in the quest for the custom - designed 1 st place trophy disc emblazoned with the league motto, “ Si Iactare Discus Marmota Poterat, ” (which translates roughly to “ If a woodchuck could chuck a disc ”), but all participants, regardless of standing, are having fun and getting some additional exercise. When asked about the course and league, participant Ricci Deloriea commented, “[ We ’ re] Lucky to have this course, it ’ s a little gem. ” This sentiment was echoed by other participants. Jeremy Butterfield mentioned, “[ It ’ s an] immaculately kept course, ” and stated it ’ s the nicest one he plays on. Jeffery Donnell wanted it known that he “ appreciates everything about it. ” Perhaps Kevin Hagood captured all the sentiments best in one statement, “ Even though I'm not the greatest disc golf player, I love to play, and this league gets me out for some exercise, friendly competition, and meeting new people. I really appreciate OCPR putting this together."

After many rainouts and a lot of jockeying for position, Caleb Roberts emerged victorious in our inaugural league. A regular participant in our programs, we are excited to have witnessed his victory; but we ’ re even more proud of the comradery and fun we saw exhibited by all players throughout the season! We learned a lot about ideal timing and format for this style of program, and we are considering improvements such as an earlier start date and potentially a “50 and Wiser ” league for some of our more experienced players. Stay tuned for even more disc golf related programs and events as we enter the colder months.

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Page 16 | October, 2021

How To: Keep Informed about Orange County Parks & Recreation Activities

By Jayson Woods, Programs & Facilities Supervisor, Orange County Parks & Recreation

Orange County Parks & Recreation offers a variety of activities throughout the year. Some examples include disc golf tournaments, a color powder fun run, sports clinics and camps, outdoor skills and archery lessons, martial arts like Tai Chi and Karate, discount ticket offers, and much more! We want to make sure our residents are aware of the best ways to stay in the loop about OCPR programs and events. The best way to keep informed is to utilize the “ Notify Me ” system available through the Orange County website. This system allows an interested citizen to select topics for which they would like to receive information. Once registered, emails will be automatically sent to the citizen regarding the topics selected. In addition to Parks & Recreation Programs, citizens may elect to receive emails about Board of Supervisors Meetings, Press Releases, County Events, and more! You can sign up at (look for the light green “ Notify Me ” icon); or if you prefer, simply call us at (540) 672 - 5435 and we would be happy to add your email address to the Parks & Recreation list. We highly recommend Notify Me, as it is the most reliable way for you to receive information. We also maintain a listing of activities on our departmental page of the County website, which can be accessed directly at Click the “ Recreational Activities ” link on the left side of this page to view activities sorted by age and season. Special events are listed under the “ Events ” link. As another option, we also actively maintain a Facebook page, which can be accessed at Please give us a like! Be aware that our Facebook page is a useful tool to stay informed but is not as reliable as the other methods. It is easy to miss posts and it is possible that Facebook will not even relate some of our postings to all followers.

On a final note, you are always welcome to call our office at (540) 672 - 5435 for more information.

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Page 18 | October, 2021

Fall Pumpkins

By Jill Wong, Unit Support Staff, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Orange Office

There is a crispness to the air, beautiful colors are peeping from trees, and front porches are abound with large pumpkins, gourds, and mums. The fall season is a favorite for many. Finally wearing cozy sweaters, sitting by the fire, weaving our way through the many corn mazes, and searching for the perfect pumpkins for decorating!

Here are a few fun facts about pumpkins, that quite frankly, I have never thought about (https://

• The name pumpkin comes from the Greek word ‘ pepon ’, meaning ‘ large melon ’. • Pumpkins have thick shells which contain pulp and seeds. • Scientifically speaking, pumpkins are a fruit (they contain seeds) but when it comes to cooking, they are often referred to as vegetables. • Pumpkins are usually shaped like a sphere (ball). • They vary in weight but an average sized pumpkin might weigh around 13 pounds (6 kilograms). • Giant pumpkins can be grown for competitions, with some weighing over 1000 pounds (450 kilograms)! In 2010, the world record was 1,810 pounds! That ’ s huge!! • Pumpkin plants feature both male and female flowers, with bees typically being involved in pollination (the transfer of pollen). • Over 1 billion pounds (450 million kgs) of pumpkin are produced in the US every year. • As a food, pumpkin can be baked, roasted, steamed, or boiled. • Pumpkin soup is popular, as are roasted pumpkin seeds. • Pumpkin pie is a sweet dessert that originates in North America and is traditionally eaten during harvest time and holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. • Pumpkins are popular decorations during Halloween. A carved pumpkin illuminated by candles is known as a ‘ jack - o - lantern ’. The tradition is believed to have come from Ireland, where they used to carve faces into turnips, beet, and other root vegetables as part of the Gaelic festival of Samhain. • 100 grams of pumpkin produces around 26 calories of energy.

What is your favorite recipe using pumpkin? A quick and easy dip, perfect for a get together or for a light snack follows on the next page.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Page 19 | October, 2021

Pumpkin Fluff Dip

This is a very creamy and yummy vanilla pumpkin dip that is served with graham crackers. I like the

cinnamon graham crackers best, but you can decide for yourself.

By Tiera Lesley

Prep: 5 mins Total: 5 mins Servings: 32 Yield: 4 cups


1 (16 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed

1 (5 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding mix

1 (15 ounce) can solid pack pumpkin

1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice


Step 1

In a large bowl, mix together instant vanilla pudding mix, pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice. Fold in the

thawed frozen whipped topping. Chill in the refrigerator until serving.

Nutrition Facts: Per Serving: 65 calories; protein 0.3g; carbohydrates 8.4g; fat 3.6g; sodium 98.7mg.

© Copyright 2021 All rights reserved. Printed from 09/29/2021

Crustless Pumpkin Pie

This crustless pumpkin pie is a great alternative for those looking for a lower carb option!

Submitted by Clare Lillard, Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences

Prep: 5 mins Total: 50 mins Servings: 8

Ingredients •

4 eggs, cracked and shelled 15 ounces canned pumpkin 8 ounces evaporated milk

• • • • • •

1/3 cup sugar

1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon salt Nonstick cooking spray

Directions Heat oven to 400°F. Spray a pie pan with nonstick cooking spray. Add the eggs to a mixing bowl and beat together. Next, add the pumpkin, evaporated milk, sugar, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla, and salt. Mix until smooth. Pour into the pie pan and bake for 15 minutes. Turn the oven down to 325°F and bake for another 30 minutes or until the pie is set. Pie is done when a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.

Page 20 | October, 2021


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Please LIKE and follow the official County of Orange Virginia Facebook page to stay informed of the latest news from your County ’ s government. Weather and holiday related office closings, health and safety information, events, news, and more, we have it all!

Page 21 | October, 2021

Local Redistricting in Orange County By Alyson Simpson, Chief Deputy Clerk

The Board of Supervisors has begun its work on completing the required Decennial Redistricting. Redistricting is the process of redrawing the boundaries of the County ’ s voting districts, which represent the specific geographic areas of the County that elect the members of the Board of Supervisors. The process is designed to account for population and demographic growth and shifts. Redistricting occurs every ten (10) years following the United States decennial census and is the responsibility of both State and local governments. In accordance with Federal and State constitutional and statutory laws, the redistricting process includes establishing voting district boundaries, precinct boundaries within those district boundaries, and polling place locations for each of those precincts.

It is essential to note that any changes adopted as part of this redistricting would not be effective during the election on November 2, 2021. Changes would become effective for any elections in 2022 and beyond.

As part of the redistricting process, the Board had a Public Input Session on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, to receive input they could consider ahead of the Public Hearing. The Public Hearing for redistricting is scheduled as part of the 5:00 p.m. meeting on Tuesday, October 26, 2021. Interested persons can attend the hearing to present their comments or can submit written comments in advance. For more information and to view the proposed maps, visit the Local Redistricting page on the County ’ s website or contact the County Administrator ’ s Office at (540) 672 - 3313.

Reflection on National Farmer ’ s Day By Courtney Wesner, Orange County Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent

National Farmer ’ s Day was observed on October 12, 2021, and I must note the irony of a day called “ National Farmer ’ s Day ”.

Every day is a farmer ’ s day. Early to rise and late to bed. Crops need planting and harvesting and livestock needs tending. Those things don ’ t take days off, and they don ’ t have days singularly dedicated to them. There are no holidays, no paid time off, no sick leave in farming.

A farmer ’ s hard work and dedication is something that our nation ’ s security and bounty has been built upon and around from the beginning of time. National and local economies are contributed to and built around the day - in and day - out work of the farmer.

Over the past year, the men and women of Orange County agriculture have endured challenging times with steadfast reserve and dedication. This is something that is truly remarkable. They will do the same this year, and next. Please join me in taking pause and recognizing the character and dedication of the men and women that continue to provide each of us with the commodities and sustenance that we need to live our best lives. Thank a farmer, and let ’ s all remember that every day is a farmer ’ s day.

Page 22 | October, 2021

Page 23 | October, 2021

Full - time Opportunities

Part - time Opportunities

Accounts Payable Technician Business Systems Analyst Deputy Sheriff – Patrol Firefighter / Medic Maintenance Technician Planner Planning Services Manager Public Works Director Senior Planner

Airport Operations Worker Animal Caretaker Child Care Teacher – OES

Child Care Teacher Assistant – GBES Child Care Teacher Assistant – LES Child Care Teacher Assistant – LGPS Collection Attendant

Page 24 | October, 2021

Page 25 | October, 2021

Orange County Public Schools Calendar 2021 - 2022

Link to Calendar

Page 26 | October, 2021 Page 26 | October, 2021


2021 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AND SECOND HALF REAL ESTATE TAX 2021 Personal Property Taxes and Second half Real Estate Taxes are due on December 6, 2021. (December 5 th falls on a weekend, therefore, the due date defaults to the next business day). Original billing statements have been mailed and amounts due are available here. If you have received your tax bill and have address change or assessment/billing concerns, please call the Commissioner of the Revenue ’ s Office at (540) 672 - 4441. Payment question or haven ’ t received your tax bill, please call the Treasurer ’ s Office at (540) 672 - 2656. The Orange County Treasurer ’ s Office accepts payments through the following methods: · Via drop box, located at 112. W. Main Street, Orange · Online: Payment Options page on the Orange County website · By mail to the Orange County Treasurer, P.O. Box 469, Orange, VA 22960 *Note if you are mailing your tax payments please mail in advance to ensure that they are postmarked on or before the due date. If you wait to mail, please hand deliver to the Post Office to get them to stamp it with the date you dropped it off. The post mark from the Post Office is what we go by to accept payments that are mailed on time. 2020 DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES On September 1, 2021, all unpaid 2020 taxes were handed over to Taxing Authority Consulting Services, P.C. (TACS) for further collections. If you owe 2020 and prior, call (804) 545 - 2500 to pay or make arrangements to pay. DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE TAXES Real estate parcels that are more than two years delinquent are assigned to Taxing Authority Consulting Services, P.C. for collections and processing for the tax sale of property. Any collection administrative or legal costs incurred to collect the taxes owed will be charged to the taxpayer.

Reminders Short - Term Rental (Transient Occupancy Tax) - 3 rd quarter filings are due by October 31, 2021. More information can be found here: http:// - Occupancy - Tax - Short - Term - Renta

For more information visit or contact Dawn Herndon, Treasurer, at (540) 672 - 2656 or

Page 27 | October, 2021

Citizens Ask...

By Michelle Williams

Q: I keep trying to call Circuit Court at (540) 672 - 4030, but the call does not go through. How can I reach this office? A: The Orange County Circuit Court and Orange County General District Court are temporarily receiving phone calls at alternative phone numbers while their phone system undergoes maintenance. They can be reached at the following numbers: Circuit Court (540) 672 - 6162 General District Court (540) 672 - 6164 Q: Who do I contact if I lose my dog or cat? A: You can contact the Sheriff's Office and report the loss to an Animal Control Officer but we suggest that you also contact the Animal Shelter at (540) 672 - 1124 to make a report. If you live in an area of Orange County that borders a neighboring county, you should call the animal shelter for that county as well to make a report.

Custodial Staff

Get to know Orange County staff... The Personnel File:

Happy Custodian Appreciation Day!

This month we are honoring our hardworking Custodial staff who keep our facilities safe and clean on a daily basis. Our dedicated personnel serve internal and external customers with a smile and devotion to stellar customer service. Thank you!

Back Row, Left to Right: Charles Ellis, Lewis Davis, Janet Walker, Michael Lempke, Stephen Haney

Front Row, Left to Right: Donna Ellis, Sandra La Fond, Sarah Blackwell, Cindy Hawkins

Page 28 | October, 2021

Orange County Communications Department 112 W. Main Street P.O. Box 111 Orange, VA 22960


Meet Wes! Wes is around 10 weeks old. He was surrendered to us along with several other young cats that had been living wild on a property. Wes sees his roommates accepting love and affection and he wants to trust that a head scratch and love is a good thing but will need a patient family to earn his trust. We feel with his trust issues a home with a confident feline friend with benefit him!

Wes has been microchipped, Neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, and tested for FIV/FLV.

If interested, please go to the County website and fill out the preadoption application and email to the Director at .

Visit us on Facebook See Adoptable Pets Here (540) 672 - 1124 Directions: 11362 Porter Road Orange VA 22960

Come find a friend at The Orange County Animal Shelter

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