Orange Healthy Community Action Team Offers Field Trips for Office on Youth School Aged Child Care Students
By: Ashely Jacobs, Program Coordinator, Orange County Office on Youth
On Friday, June 3, 2022, the Orange Healthy Community Action Team (HCAT) helped coordinate field trips to “ Float On Farms ” in partnership with Darnell ’ s Garden Patch and the Orange County Office on Youth ’ s School Aged Child Care Programs. As a result, 52 children were able to participate and spend their day outside exploring, learning, and adventuring on the Robinson River. Three (3) stations were set up for the children to enjoy. Station one (1) consisted of a historical tour and a hike on the property of the Inn at Meander Plantation. Station two (2) paired lunch on newly acquired picnic tables, courtesy of grant funding from the Culpeper Wellness Foundation (see page 22), with a MyPlate lesson illustrating healthy meal options. Station three (3) involved a guided 45 - minute float
At one of the stations, participants learned about proper nutrition through a MyPlate activity.
on the Robinson River following a brief hike across the farmland property.
The Orange HCAT is enthusiastic about every chance to work with area youth and teach them about healthy nutrition and exercise. Programs like these field trips are a wonderful opportunity to further the HCAT ’ s mission to break barriers to healthy childhoods for Orange County children! Other summer activities have included an on - site gardening initiative at each of the four (4) childcare sites and hands - on cooking classes that expand the palates of many young children. For more information regarding the work of the Orange HCAT, please contact Ashley Jacobs, HCAT Coordinator, at (540) 672 - 5484, ext. 1, or via email at Follow our social media pages to stay abreast of the activities and efforts of the Orange HCAT.
Participants hiked on the Inn at Meander Plantation property.
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Page 16 | June, 2022
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