September is Preparedness Month, Are You Ready?
By: Orange County Communications Department
Disasters can, and do, occur without any warning. Just last month, we remembered the anniversary of the 2011 Louisa County earthquake, which sent shockwaves (literal and figurative) throughout Virginia. However, far more mundane situations can also create a state of emergency in short order. Power outages, floods, thunderstorms, etc., can all occur without warning throughout the year. In acknowledgement of this unpredictability, emergency agencies at the local, state, and federal level recognize September as “ National Preparedness Month. ” The campaign led and managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Throughout the month, these agencies will be providing helpful tips and reminders regarding emergency readiness. Orange County Fire & EMS has been utilizing their well - followed Facebook page in support of this effort. Each week, this page has hosted graphics, video links, and information related to specific disasters or elements of preparedness. Please follow “ County of Orange Fire & EMS ,” and visit the page regularly, to make sure you don ’ t miss these informative posts. Some examples from earlier this month can be found below. One key step towards preparing for a disaster is to develop an emergency kit. These kits can be useful in almost any type of disaster. Based on information from FEMA and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM), Orange County has developed a guide towards creating an emergency kit on the next page. Take time to prepare now; early preparation pays dividends if and when a disaster strikes.
Page 13 | September, 2022
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