Citizens Ask... By Michelle Williams
Q: How do I get tax relief if I am elderly or disabled?
A: Applications are available in the Commissioner ’ s Office. You must file an application with a notarized affidavit each year by March 1st. You must meet certain net worth and gross income requirements to qualify. These requirements are set by the Board of Supervisors and can change annually. This office can notarize the applications.
Q: Where can I get the orange bags for roadside cleanup?
A: To check out a Challenger Trash Pickup Kit, contact the Litter Control Committee Coordinator at (540) 661 - 5405 or The kit includes a Tips and Cleanup Journal binder, extended reach grabbers, safety vests, nitrile gloves, and orange litter bags.
Susan Turner
Get to know Orange County staff... The Personnel File:
Accounts Payable Technician
Susan Turner has served multiple Orange County Departments since 2013. She is currently a member of the Finance team and is responsible for Accounts Payable. Susan ’ s cheerful, team oriented attitude is an asset to the entire Orange County team. She enjoys being able to work with a multitude of departments, solve problems, and contribute to her community. Susan notes that her colleagues are what she enjoys most about working for the County. Away from work, Susan is a dedicated swim mom to her son, Rowan, and a proud Hokie mom to her daughter, Lucy. Go Hokies! We are grateful for Susan ’ s contribution to our organization. Thanks Susan!
Page 28 | September, 2022
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