Orange County Insight September 2022

professional and compassionate demeanor. ” It is a calling for a select few with a strong desire to serve. Those that feel the call to pursue a career in law enforcement should know that Orange County provides a great opportunity in the industry. Following the adjustments made as

a result of the classification and compensation study, salaries are very competitive. In fact, the hiring range begins at $50,000 annually. Beyond the pay, Orange County recently revised our leave plan and benefits package to better align with localities in our region. Setting Orange County apart from other agencies, our Sheriff ’ s Office has prioritized the provision of cutting - edge gear to personnel. Senior staff regularly review and update equipment, making sure deputies have the tools and support needed to perform their duties as safely and effectively as possible. Everyday examples include the distribution of steel body armor, and the use of a digitally - based reporting system to streamline processing and paperwork. Grand scale examples include the construction of the Public Safety Building (which brings together all Orange County public safety agencies), the adoption of new computer - aided dispatch software, and the establishment of a state - of - the - art digital radio system. Patrol deputies receive a take - home vehicle and are outfitted with all the necessary equipment. Those interested in applying are advised to contact Valencia Bowman at (540) 672 - 7219 or

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