Orange County's monthly source for in-depth information about activities, programs, events, and more.
TACO Camp Provides Great Summer Fun Pages 3 - 4
Sheriff ’ s Office Seeks Service - Minded Applicants Pages 7 - 8 Understanding Jury Duty Selections Page 17
Page | September, 2022
Team Orange,
Earlier this summer, Orange County successfully completed our preparedness drill for the North Anna Nuclear Power Station as we operated out of our new Emergency Operations Center in the Orange County Public Safety Building. Last September I used this spot in our monthly newsletter to highlight National Preparedness Month and what YOU can do to be ready. With disastrous flooding and wildfires out west, and potential hurricanes churning in the Atlantic, this is a good time to think about what we can do to prepare for natural and man - made events that might impact our community. Do you have a family evacuation plan? Do you have an emergency kit/go bag? How will you stay in touch with loved ones if cell service is disrupted? Where would you meet if separated during a storm or road closure? Two years ago we launched Orange County Insight to keep you up to date on happenings with our organization, but since we publish monthly, I want to highlight two other important communication channels, Orange County ’ s Facebook page is available here; and the Orange County Office of Economic Development is located here. To stay up to date on the latest happenings between editions of Orange County Insight, like and subscribe. In the event of a natural disaster or other significant event, Orange County would use these official social media channels to keep subscribers informed. You should also sign up for alerts to your email or your mobile phone number to receive text or voicemail alerts directly from the Orange County Emergency Communications Center (9 - 1 - 1). Do that here.
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Orange County Administration
Physical Address 112 W. Main Street Orange, VA 22960 Mailing Address P.O. Box 111 Orange, VA 22960
Phone: (540) 672 - 3313
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Fax: (540) 672 - 1679
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Page | September, 2022 Page 1 | September, 2022
Orange County Launches Website Redesign
By: Orange County Communications Department
In keeping with our recent efforts and successes in the digital realm, Orange County launched the new design for our governmental website,, on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. This revised design exemplifies our priority to provide clear and timely information to our residents, as well as the vibrancy and momentum of our organization In terms of navigation, the updated website is designed such that departments are now collected in common - sense categories, which helps reduce unnecessary searching. Additional headings help collect topics arranged by services and resources, in and for the community. When it is necessary to search, the search bar has been relocated to sit front and center on the home page. It remains clearly visible even when browsing interior pages. Persistent social media links on the left hand side of the homepage allow users to quickly navigate to official channels. Large buttons are arranged just below the search bar, highlighting pages that are frequently - visited for simpler discovery by new users. Scrolling down slightly, a user will next encounter a subscription bar, which allows easy access to register for notifications such as emergency alerts, press releases, and even the Orange County Insight newsletter! With a goal of providing timely and accurate information in a readily - available location, a slideshow function allows staff to highlight particularly important items with a large, scrolling, graphic display. News items and press releases are listed to the right of this highlight slideshow, providing much more information than the previous design allowed. Continuing to scroll, a calendar function helps keep residents informed of upcoming County functions, such as Board of Supervisors ’ Meetings.
Indeed, Board portraits feature prominently near the contact section at the close of the home page, which helps residents become better acquainted with their elected officials. Design elements reflect Orange County ’ s updated styling, which is modern and clean while remaining true to our heritage. Consistent implementation of style guide colors throughout help reinforce the identity of Orange County and the unity of our team members. This website will serve as a foundational information resource and a platform from which to grow as we continue to expand our digital capabilities. Built - in adaptability allows us to adjust the website to accommodate new technology, with the aim of continuing to provide high quality services to our residents.
Page 2 | September, 2022
Therapeutic Adventure Camp of Orange Provides Great Summer Fun for Local Youth
By: Orange County Communications Department
The Therapeutic Adventure Camp of Orange, also known as TACO Camp, is a unique and meaningful summer opportunity for youth ages 9 - 19 with special needs or an individualized education program (IEP). During this weeklong event, participants enjoy many activities, such as arts and crafts, music, special presentations, and horseback riding. In fact, riding and equine education is the cornerstone of the camp, which was held this year at Elmwood Farm. Campers benefit from learning more about the care of horses, and get to experience the thrill of riding. The importance of the equine activities is captured in the TACO motto: “ Horses Helping Hands, Hearts, and Health. ” Aspects of that motto probably sound familiar, and it may not surprise readers to learn that the camp is an Orange
County 4 - H sponsored program. Extension Office staff members support many of the activities enjoyed by the campers, along with a dedicated crew of volunteers. Camp volunteers make a huge impact on the experience, and lives, of the campers. Typically, at the beginning of the week, campers are assigned to groups which remain consistent throughout the week. Volunteers paired with those groups also remain consistent, allowing for trust and long - term friendships to develop naturally.
In recognition of the role played by camp volunteers, an awards ceremony was held for the first time at the conclusion of the 2022 camp. These awards recognized particular contributions to this year ’ s camp by volunteers, as well as long - term commitment to the program through the distribution of “ Years of Service Awards. ”
Campers were also recognized for demonstrating the spirit of the program throughout the week. Many aspects of this year ’ s camp created opportunities for campers and volunteers to shine, not least of which was a round of storms which caused significant damage to many properties in Orange County, including Elmwood Farm. Reflecting the positive focus and resiliency which are the goals of the camp, volunteers managed cleanup debris, avoid any delays, and offer an amazing program to campers.
One of the first recognitions, the Rockstar Award, was presented to Ricardo Caal, whose many efforts helped make the camp possible. TACO Committee Chair, Jessica Gredler, said without him, “ I ’ m not sure what we would have done! ” Mr. Caal stepped into a leadership role, always had a smile on his face, and
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maintained a positive attitude.
Sadly, the TACO family has lost several members over recent years, including camper Joseph Shifflett in November 2017, committee member Sallie Barber in August 2021, and host Susan Hanner in January 2022. These individuals left lasting impressions, and helped make TACO the amazing program it is today. In their honor, the committee decided to create namesake awards to help preserve their legacy for years to come.
Sallie Barber was remembered for serving the camp for over 20 years. She served as a group leader, a side walker, and in many more roles at camp. The committee focused their recognition on three qualities Sallie exemplified: her love of children, her sense of humor, and her dedication to TACO. Cole Ryder was awarded the inaugural Sallie Barber Memorial Award in recognition of his dependability, his natural interactions with campers, and his sense of humor. Susan Hanner was the hostess, an instructor, and a TACO committee member from 2001 - 2017. She was remembered as a kindhearted person who had a love for children and horses. The committee noted that she was passionate about TACO and teaching the campers. Jeremiah Stinnie was awarded the first Susan Hanner Memorial Award in recognition of his big heart and love of helping others, which was clear to everyone despite his being a relatively new volunteer.
Volunteers were also recognized for years of service for the first time at this year ’ s camp.
3 Years: Ricardo Caal Katrina Pettit Megan Ellinger
8 Years: Ann Bledsoe Patti Harlow Rob Pitera Ellen Pitera Cole Ryder Emily Shiflett Skyler Sisk
10 Years: Autumn Rogers
15 Years: Renee Almond Caitlin Horton Vibeke Ober
14 Years: Jessica Gredler Teresa Critchfield
5 Years: Carly Jenkins
TACO is always looking for more volunteers to help better the program and to allow them to serve more kids. To be eligible, a prospective volunteer must be at least 12 years of age and have transportation available to and from camp each day. Volunteers must attend a mandatory pre - camp meeting, which ensures that they are informed regarding safety guidelines and have the opportunity to learn about their role. Typically, volunteer positions include horse leader, side walker, horse education, craft project assistant, snack assistant, recreational activities supervisor and assistant, group leader, and photographer/ videographer. Two letters of recommendation are required of prospective volunteers. More information is available on TACO ’ s volunteer information webpage TACO will return in the summer of 2023! Prospective campers and their families are encouraged to visit the TACO website for detailed information about camp functions and how to apply, or talk to any committee member or Orange County 4 - H staff. The program is provided free of charge. To make this possible, donations are appreciated! Those who would like to support the program financially should email
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Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office Seeks the Right Applicants for Open Deputy Positions
By: Orange County Communications Department
Integrity, leadership, and service are the three (3) core values of the Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office. Currently, the Office is seeking applicants for several open positions, particularly as School Resource Officers. Applicants who possess these same values as core components of their character are encouraged to apply. The application, selection, and training process is designed to help ensure that those chosen are qualified and prepared to face the many challenges of law enforcement, and diligently serve the residents of Orange County. The basic application requirements are straightforward. Applicants must be 21 years of age or older (or turn 21 before graduating from the police academy). They must live either in Orange County or within 20 minutes of the county line. If they do not currently meet these residency requirements, they must be willing to relocate. Applicants must possess a valid Virginia driver ’ s license and have good driving history. While it is preferred, previous law enforcement experience is not required. Those with the proper attitude and skillset will receive rigorous training before they work on their own. Applications can be downloaded from the Orange County website, but must be returned directly to the Sheriff ’ s Office for consideration. A handwritten cover letter is required.
Those selected from the applicant pool will next undergo a Law Enforcement Work Performance Test, which is designed to simulate the physically demanding work required of deputies. This obstacle course requires the applicant to jump over a ditch, climb over a wall, crawl under a barrier, simulate climbing stairs, navigate through a window, memorize and identify a suspect, drag a 160lb dummy body, and demonstrate safe handling of a training firearm. All stations must be completed within a predetermined timeframe. Following completion of the fitness test, applicants proceed indoors to watch a short video. From this video, they will be asked to write a narrative describing the events they witnessed. Completing this written narrative, effectively, demonstrates the applicant ’ s ability to remember events accurately and convey that information to others, which is a key component of policework.
Those still in consideration will next be scheduled for an interview with senior Sheriff ’ s Office staff. Background and drug screening may also be required at this stage, and will be required before an offer is made. Finally, a prospective deputy must qualify with a firearm by demonstrating safe and effective use on the range. If all requirements are met to satisfaction, an offer will be made. Applicants accepting the offer who are not already certified officers must commit to four (4) years with the Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office. This requirement is not applied to current officers. If inexperienced, applicants will next attend the Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy in Fredericksburg. This 19 - week program provides a foundation for solid law enforcement skills. Upon completion of the academy, field training will continue for two additional months before a deputy is permitted to work on their own. Residents should be assured that this extensive process is in place to promote the hiring of competent, qualified personnel. In truth, the job is not for everyone. According to Captain Jason Smith, “ it requires a commitment beyond a regular 8 to 5, you often encounter folks on their worst days, but must maintain a
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professional and compassionate demeanor. ” It is a calling for a select few with a strong desire to serve. Those that feel the call to pursue a career in law enforcement should know that Orange County provides a great opportunity in the industry. Following the adjustments made as
a result of the classification and compensation study, salaries are very competitive. In fact, the hiring range begins at $50,000 annually. Beyond the pay, Orange County recently revised our leave plan and benefits package to better align with localities in our region. Setting Orange County apart from other agencies, our Sheriff ’ s Office has prioritized the provision of cutting - edge gear to personnel. Senior staff regularly review and update equipment, making sure deputies have the tools and support needed to perform their duties as safely and effectively as possible. Everyday examples include the distribution of steel body armor, and the use of a digitally - based reporting system to streamline processing and paperwork. Grand scale examples include the construction of the Public Safety Building (which brings together all Orange County public safety agencies), the adoption of new computer - aided dispatch software, and the establishment of a state - of - the - art digital radio system. Patrol deputies receive a take - home vehicle and are outfitted with all the necessary equipment. Those interested in applying are advised to contact Valencia Bowman at (540) 672 - 7219 or
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Page 20 | May, 2022
The Quad County Business Summit Presents Networking and Learning Opportunities for Local Businesses
By: Orange County Communications Department
Entering its seventh year, the Quad County Business Summit will return on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at the Bluegreen Shenandoah Crossing Resort, located at 174 Horseshoe Circle, Gordonsville, VA. This event was originally organized by the economic development offices of Orange County, Fluvanna County, Greene County, and Louisa County (hence the “ Quad ”
County name), as well as the Central Virginia Small Business Development Center (CVSBDC). Though the name remains Quad County Business Summit, the event expanded last year to include Madison County. Businesses within the five (5) host counties can register to attend the summit for free, and enjoy the full range of networking and education offered (along with a free lunch). Please visit to register. Discounted rooms are available during registration for attendees who would like to stay the night at the resort. The summit will feature events from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., including a keynote speaker, local business owner panel discussion with a question and answer session, and the Annual QuadTank, a winner - take - all pitch competition,
This year ’ s keynote speaker will be Kelli Palmer, Chief Diversity Officer at WillowTree, a full - service digital product consultancy with over 1,000 team members, headquartered in Charlottesville, VA. Prior to WillowTree, Palmer was CFA Institute ’ s Head of Global Inclusion & Diversity and Corporate Citizenship. In this role, Palmer led the strategic direction of CFA ’ s internal initiatives to improve the organization ’ s ability to recruit, retain, and promote an inclusive, diverse, and culturally competent employee base. Palmer focuses on the organization's culture to ensure success and to maintain and attract a high - quality workforce.
Other distinguished speakers will include Wesley Chiles, and André Xavier. Mr. Chiles created and owns Chiles Enterprises LLC, a landscaping company that relies heavily on core values, which he works to exemplify is his daily life. In April, Chiles Enterprises celebrated 20 years, and their goal is to become the best employer in Louisa County by measure of team culture, work environment, and opportunity for advancement. Mr. Xavier is a successful serial entrepreneur and author. He is an expert in the tourism industry, owner of C ’ Ville Travel, C ’ Ville Tours, C ’ Ville Transportation, and Casa X Publishing. Additionally, he co - owns Patch Brewing Company, Virginia Hop on Tours, and C ’ Ville 3D.
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Save the Date! Registration Opens Early October.
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September is Preparedness Month, Are You Ready?
By: Orange County Communications Department
Disasters can, and do, occur without any warning. Just last month, we remembered the anniversary of the 2011 Louisa County earthquake, which sent shockwaves (literal and figurative) throughout Virginia. However, far more mundane situations can also create a state of emergency in short order. Power outages, floods, thunderstorms, etc., can all occur without warning throughout the year. In acknowledgement of this unpredictability, emergency agencies at the local, state, and federal level recognize September as “ National Preparedness Month. ” The campaign led and managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Throughout the month, these agencies will be providing helpful tips and reminders regarding emergency readiness. Orange County Fire & EMS has been utilizing their well - followed Facebook page in support of this effort. Each week, this page has hosted graphics, video links, and information related to specific disasters or elements of preparedness. Please follow “ County of Orange Fire & EMS ,” and visit the page regularly, to make sure you don ’ t miss these informative posts. Some examples from earlier this month can be found below. One key step towards preparing for a disaster is to develop an emergency kit. These kits can be useful in almost any type of disaster. Based on information from FEMA and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM), Orange County has developed a guide towards creating an emergency kit on the next page. Take time to prepare now; early preparation pays dividends if and when a disaster strikes.
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Early Voting Begins September 23
By: Orange County Communications Department
The November 8, 2022 general election will soon be here. In this election, Orange County voters will be voting for their Congressional Member to the House of Representatives. Additionally, voters in the towns of Orange and Gordonsville will be voting for their respective Town Council members. Residents interested in voting absentee can do so beginning Friday, September 23 at 8:00 a.m. Early voting will be available exclusively at the Voter Registration Office, located on the second floor of the Sedwick Building at 146 North Madison Road, Suite 204, Orange, VA. Those wishing to vote early should be aware of several important deadlines. Absentee voting will be available for over a month, but the last day to request that a ballot be mailed to a voter is Friday, October 28. There will be two Saturday voting opportunities, available 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the address above. The first date will be October 29, and the second will be November 5. Keep in mind. November 5
will also present the LAST opportunity to vote absentee.
Those needing to register, or make changes, must do so by Monday, October 17. Remember, Orange County ’ s districts were recently updated as part of the decennial redistricting. Registered voters should have received updated information, by mail, several months ago. Any Orange County voter who did not receive their new voter card is advised to contact the Voter Registration Office right away to ensure they know where to vote in the upcoming election. Polling places may have changed, even if a voter ’ s district did remained the same. An interactive polling place map is available on the Orange County website to provide assistance. Details about the redistricting process can be found in the March 2022 issue of the Orange County Insight newsletter. For more information, call the Voter Registration Office at (540) 672 - 5262.
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Page 16 | September, 2022
Understanding the Jury Duty Selection Process
By: Orange County Communications Department
Serving on a jury is one of the many civic responsibilities of citizenship. However, it is sometimes a cause of confusion for residents. To begin to demystify the jury duty process, it helps to understand how jurors are selected. In Virginia, jurors are chosen from a local pool of eligible residents. These residents must meet certain qualifications, such as being 18 or older, having lived in Virginia for at least a year, and having not served on a jury, that actually went to trial, within the past three years.
The first step in establishing the pool of eligible residents is to distribute an annual questionnaire, by mail, to those randomly selected from lists provided by the State Board of Elections and the Department of Motor Vehicles. Orange County ’ s Circuit Court Clerk partners with ezJURY for distribution of these questionnaires. Questionnaires sent through this system may display a Maryland return address, but are still legitimate communications sent on behalf of the Clerk ’ s Office. The partnership with ezJURY alleviates
some of the time - consuming sorting work which fell on the limited staff of the Clerk ’ s Office, allowing them to focus on higher priority tasks. This year In particular, the work of the Clerk ’ s Office has increased drastically; the potential number of jury trials is more than five times higher than an average year. Not everyone who receives a questionnaire will selected. Those chosen will receive a summons notice approximately one month in advance of the date they should appear for duty. Be aware that this notice is an official summons. Failure to appear is
2023 Jury Questionnaires may appear like the above example due to the new partnership with ezJURY.
cause for being found in contempt of court. However, those chosen should know that most trials do not actually move through a full court proceeding. They may be null processed, continued, or the defendant may accept a plea deal. If this occurs, the jury duty hotline, (540) 672 - 6165, is updated the night before a trial date to alert potential jurors that they do not need to appear. Please be aware that the Clerk ’ s Office DOES NOT call jurors; jurors must call the hotline for updated information, and should do so on the evening before the date they were selected to appear.
The jury duty hotline number is (540) 672 - 6165 . Prospective jurors
should call this number on the
It is possible to receive multiple summons within a relatively short time. This occurs because the pool of eligible jurors is limited and, particularly this year, a large number of trials can cause repeat random selections. Selection does not exempt a juror from future service for a period of time unless they actually sit on the jury during trial proceedings. Those with questions about jury duty should contact the Clerk ’ s Office at (540) 672 - 6162. evening before their selected trial date.
Page 17 | September, 2022
Consider Animal Safety when Bringing Pets to the Shelter
By: Orange County Communications Department
The Orange County Animal Shelter is responsible for providing humane care to its entrusted animals, consistent with appropriate regulations and policies. The shelter provides a safe environment for dogs, cats, and other animals (as necessary), which are brought in as strays, seized by law enforcement, or surrendered by their owners. Once under our care, our employees and volunteers work diligently to find forever homes and foster families to improve the quality of life for the animals (and their adopters!). In keeping with the Shelter ’ s goal of promoting the safety and wellbeing of animals, staff would like encourage residents intending to bring an animal to the Shelter to please do so during operating hours. Taking this precaution ensures that a staff member or volunteer will be able to properly intake the
animal and provide for its immediate needs, which may include nutrition and veterinary care. In the past, well - meaning residents have occasionally left recovered stray animals outside the shelter while it was closed. Cats and dogs left alone in this manner face an increased risk of becoming lost again. Worse, they could be in danger of potentially deadly encounters with wild animals, particularly if young, elderly, injured, or ill. In the event of an animal emergency, like an encounter with an aggressive animal, or an after - hours injured stray recovery, please contact Orange County Animal Control at (540) 672 - 1200.
We understand that sometimes residents may be faced with the difficult reality of no longer being able to care for their pet. Please be aware that all surrenders REQUIRE an appointment, which can be made by calling the Shelter at (540) 672 - 1124. Scheduling a surrender allows us to check shelter space and properly prepare for the animal ’ s care. It also allows the current owner to fully consider their decision. Though all attempts are made to operate a humane and safe shelter, the experience can still be stressful for a pet, so please weigh all options before coming to a decision. If money is an obstacle to keeping a pet, the Shelter can help provide contacts for pet food banks, vaccination clinics, and spay - neuter resources. In
addition to an appointment, all surrenders require a Surrender Pet Form and veterinary records. Those surrendering must bring a photo ID to verify Orange County residency. Animals adopted from another shelter or agency should be surrendered to that organization. There are many opportunities to support the Orange County Animal Shelter. Foster families allow us to accommodate more animals, prepare pets unaccustomed to a home environment, and provide alternate options for animals especially stressed at the Shelter. Volunteering at the Shelter is a very flexible way to give back to the community, and spend time with plenty of adorable dogs and cats! Monetary donations are always appreciated, and used to help cover expenses like pet food, veterinary care, and whatever else an animal might need. Visit the Animal Shelter webpage for more information, or to donate.
Page 18 | September, 2022
Good Times Ahead! Mark Your Calendar for these Upcoming Community Events!
Orangetoberfest: Saturday, September 24, 2022
Mark your calendar for this premier Central Virginia Beer and Cider Fest with 15 breweries, four (4) cideries, three (3) bands, food trucks, and more!
For additional details, visit:
Gordonsville Fried Chicken Festival: Saturday, October 1, 2022
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, local women served platters of fried chicken to train passengers stopping in town, receiving national recognition for the delicacy. Gordonsville celebrates this heritage during its annual festival.
For additional details, visit:
Fall Fiber Festival: Saturday & Sunday, October 1 & 2, 2022
The Annual Fall Fiber Festival at Montpelier features great workshops for adults and children, sheep dog events, displays, animal exhibits, hands - on demonstrations, crafts, music, and more!
For additional details, visit:
Historic Gordonsville 50 Year Celebration: Saturday, October 8, 2022
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Historic Exchange Hotel Civil War Museum. Enjoy live music, craft vendors, beer and wine sales, a silent auction, raffles, a moon bounce, and more!
For additional details, visit:
Montpelier Hunt Races: Saturday, November 5, 2022
Enjoy the 87th running of the Montpelier Hunt Races! Activities for the whole family begin with terrier races, and end with seven (7) exciting horse races.
For additional details, visit:
Gordonsville Veteran ’ s Day Parade, Saturday, November 12, 2022
On the second Saturday in November, veterans are honored at the Gordonsville Annual Veteran's Parade. Photography Credit: Sandy James
For additional details, visit:
Learn more about these and other events at:
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Airport Operations Manager Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Business System Analyst Child Care Site Manager– GBES Deputy Sheriff - Animal Control Deputy Sheriff – Court Security Deputy Sheriff - School Resource Officer
Airport Operations Worker Child Care Lead Teacher – GBES Collection Site Attendant Deputy Treasurer I Grant Program Manager Support Staff Technician – Office on Youth
Firefighter / EMT Firefighter / Medic Senior Maintenance Technician Veterinary Technician Wellness Program Manager
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Page 25 | September, 2022
Orange County Public Schools Calendar 2022 - 2023
Link to Calendar
Page 26 | September, 2022
Don ’ t forget! Parks & Recreation offers discount Regal Theatres Premiere Movie Tickets year - round! They are valid for any movie and have no expiration date. They ’ re great gifts for any occasion.
Tickets must be purchased in - person. Visit Parks & Recreation ’ s new location at:
11350 Porter Road Orange, VA 22960
Let your voice be heard... Orange County Public Hearings
Board of Supervisors
Planning Commission
No public hearings scheduled at this time.
• Tuesday, September 27, 2022, at 5:00 p.m.
• Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at 5:00 p.m.
Board of Supervisors ’ Meeting Room Orange County Public Safety Building 11282 Government Center Drive, Orange
This information is for reference only. Specific information about hearing topics and schedules will be available in that meeting ’ s agenda packet when published. Agendas can be accessed in the online Agenda Center. Please note that due to the monthly publication schedule of this newsletter, it is possible that some upcoming public hearings may not be listed. Pursuant to the applicable section of the Code of Virginia, notices for all public hearings will be posted in our newspaper of circulation (The Orange County Review) at least seven days prior to the hearing date, or as required by code.
Page 27 | September, 2022
Citizens Ask... By Michelle Williams
Q: How do I get tax relief if I am elderly or disabled?
A: Applications are available in the Commissioner ’ s Office. You must file an application with a notarized affidavit each year by March 1st. You must meet certain net worth and gross income requirements to qualify. These requirements are set by the Board of Supervisors and can change annually. This office can notarize the applications.
Q: Where can I get the orange bags for roadside cleanup?
A: To check out a Challenger Trash Pickup Kit, contact the Litter Control Committee Coordinator at (540) 661 - 5405 or The kit includes a Tips and Cleanup Journal binder, extended reach grabbers, safety vests, nitrile gloves, and orange litter bags.
Susan Turner
Get to know Orange County staff... The Personnel File:
Accounts Payable Technician
Susan Turner has served multiple Orange County Departments since 2013. She is currently a member of the Finance team and is responsible for Accounts Payable. Susan ’ s cheerful, team oriented attitude is an asset to the entire Orange County team. She enjoys being able to work with a multitude of departments, solve problems, and contribute to her community. Susan notes that her colleagues are what she enjoys most about working for the County. Away from work, Susan is a dedicated swim mom to her son, Rowan, and a proud Hokie mom to her daughter, Lucy. Go Hokies! We are grateful for Susan ’ s contribution to our organization. Thanks Susan!
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Orange County Communications Department 112 W. Main Street P.O. Box 111 Orange, VA 22960
Meet Will Feral
Will Feral is a handsome two year old domestic short hair tabby who was brought to the shelter after being struck by a vehicle. Will has made a tremendous recovery and is looking for his next home where he can safely enjoy the outdoors. Will would be an excellent barn cat and is looking for his next job as your personal mouser! Will is brave, independent, dignified, quiet, and curious! He is feral and needs a home without children.
Will has been neutered, microchipped, and is current on his vaccinations.
Will Feral ’ s full bio is available on Petfinder.
If interested, please go to the Orange County website, fill out the preadoption application, and submit it by email it to the Director at
Find your new best friend at The Orange County Animal Shelter
Visit us on Facebook Find Adoptable Pets (540) 672 - 1124 Directions: 11362 Porter Road Orange VA 22960
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