Orange County Insight September 2021

Be Prepared!

It ’ s not just the motto of the Boy Scouts; it ’ s something we can all do for ourselves, our families, and our communities. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) highlights September as National Preparedness Month. With hurricane season in full swing, we ’ ve recently seen the impact of Hurricane Ida and its subtropical rain across a wide swath of the Gulf Coast and New England. This is a good time to think about what we can do to prepare if such an event were to impact our community. Do you have a family evacuation plan? Do you have an emergency kit/go bag? How will you stay in touch with loved ones if cell service is disrupted? Where would you meet if separated during a storm or road closure? In October of last year, we launched Orange County Insight to keep you up to date on happenings with our organization, but since we publish monthly, I want to highlight two other important communication channels, Orange County ’ s Facebook page and the Orange County Office of Economic Development ’ s Facebook page. To stay up to date on the latest happenings between editions of Orange County Insight, like and subscribe. In the event of a natural disaster or other significant event, Orange County would use these official social media channels to keep subscribers informed. You should also sign up for “ RAVE Alerts ” to your email or your mobile phone number to receive text or voicemail alerts directly from the Orange County Emergency Communications Center (9 - 1 - 1). Do that here: Sign Up - Smart911.

Ted Voorhees - Orange County Administrator

Cover photo by Michelle Williams

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Orange County Administration

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Physical Address 112 W. Main Street Orange, VA 22960 Mailing Address P.O. Box 111 Orange, VA 22960

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Page | September, 2021

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