Orange County's monthly source for in-depth information about activities, programs, events, and more.
EpIC Combats Substance Abuse Disorder Page 3 Orange Street Festival Photos Page 7 Fall Event Listing Page 10
Be Prepared!
It ’ s not just the motto of the Boy Scouts; it ’ s something we can all do for ourselves, our families, and our communities. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) highlights September as National Preparedness Month. With hurricane season in full swing, we ’ ve recently seen the impact of Hurricane Ida and its subtropical rain across a wide swath of the Gulf Coast and New England. This is a good time to think about what we can do to prepare if such an event were to impact our community. Do you have a family evacuation plan? Do you have an emergency kit/go bag? How will you stay in touch with loved ones if cell service is disrupted? Where would you meet if separated during a storm or road closure? In October of last year, we launched Orange County Insight to keep you up to date on happenings with our organization, but since we publish monthly, I want to highlight two other important communication channels, Orange County ’ s Facebook page and the Orange County Office of Economic Development ’ s Facebook page. To stay up to date on the latest happenings between editions of Orange County Insight, like and subscribe. In the event of a natural disaster or other significant event, Orange County would use these official social media channels to keep subscribers informed. You should also sign up for “ RAVE Alerts ” to your email or your mobile phone number to receive text or voicemail alerts directly from the Orange County Emergency Communications Center (9 - 1 - 1). Do that here: Sign Up - Smart911.
Ted Voorhees - Orange County Administrator
Cover photo by Michelle Williams
We ’ re Here For You
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Orange County Administration
Orange County Social Media Links:
Physical Address 112 W. Main Street Orange, VA 22960 Mailing Address P.O. Box 111 Orange, VA 22960
Click here to subscribe to County Updates and Calendars
Phone: (540) 672 - 3313
Fax: (540) 672 - 1679
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Page | September, 2021
Page 2 | September, 2021
The EpIC Goal to Combat Substance Use Disorder By: Ellen Coyne, Communications Intern
In 1989, September was named Recovery Awareness and Substance Abuse Awareness Month. Although substance abuse disorders have been an issue for decades, the past ten (10) years have culminated in an overwhelming wave of opioid related addictions and deaths in the Commonwealth and Orange County. In 2018, there were twelve (12) opioid related deaths in our community.
In a direct response to the ongoing opioid epidemic, Orange County launched the Epidemic Intelligence Council (EpIC) three (3) years ago following increasing numbers of local citizens succumbing to the disease of addiction and in the hopes of facilitating a healthy, drug and addiction free community.
EpIC is a collaborative community council whose members include individual citizens, representatives of the court system, public safety agencies, school administrators, youth groups, and nonprofits, just to name a few. EpIC was formed in 2018 to centralize the resources and the conversations surrounding addiction in our community. Although Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) have been EpIC ’ s major focus; addictions to other substances are also addressed by the council. Since its creation, EpIC ’ s Mission Statement has been “ To boost awareness of the opioid crisis by identifying available resources, furthering education, and promoting well - being in Orange County. ” EpIC ’ s goals include SUD education in the community and schools, in an effort to erase the stigma surrounding addiction, and provide resources to community members, those who suffer from SUD and OUD, and family members. By providing a constant avenue for discussion, EpIC hopes to penetrate all levels of society from our youth to our elderly to inform our entire community of SUD and the available resources. In order to expand its resources even further, EpIC hopes to potentially utilize grants and other funding modalities in the future as it does not receive steady funding streams.
EpIC meetings are open to anyone! Meetings are generally held on the third Thursday of each month. For any further questions, please contact Orange DSS Director, Crystal Hale, at (540) 672 - 1155.
Additional information on EpIC can be found at: http:// - Information
Substance Use Disorder Resources can be found at:
The graphic on the facing page can be found in interactive form at: - data/deaths/
EpIC Meeting in 2019
Page 3 | September, 2021
Page 4 | September, 2021
Orange County Employee Secret Pal Sign Up Season 3 of Secret Pal giving has been a success with 26 participants! Ladies and gentlemen have thoroughly enjoyed surprising their pal with thoughtful gifts. With a maximum of only $5 per gift giving occasion, it ’ s a fun and exciting way to get to know fellow County employees! Try it for the next 3 months. If you don ’ t enjoy it (I promise you will!), you don ’ t have to sign up again. The goal is to have 40 participants in Season 4. County employees who are interested in participating should contact Michelle Williams at extension 5405 for a questionnaire and information sheet. Additionally, information will be distributed to each department. Questionnaires should be submitted by Friday, September 24, 2021, to participate. Secret Pals will be drawn on Monday, September 27 th .
Page 5 | September, 2021
Have you used our Interactive Polling Place Map ? Check it out and remember to register to vote by October 12, 2021. For more information visit: - Locations
Page 6 | September, 2021
Citizens Enjoy the Orange Street Festival
“ The Orange County street fair is an event not to be missed. Celebrating small town America with crafters, artists, good food, and good friends. It ’ s a great way to connect with the community! ” – Kate Smith
Page 7 | September, 2021
Photos this page by Michelle Williams
“ It was great seeing our town come together to support local business. Food was amazing and so was the music in the park. Sometimes we need a reminder of how lucky we are here in Orange. ” – Elizabeth McClanahan
“ It was fun sharing it with my family. It was my granddaughter ’ s first experience at the street festival. The main thing I enjoyed was running into friends I don ’ t see often. ” – Jeanne Bragg
Page 8 | September, 2021 Photos this page by Lori Landes - Carter
Page 9 | September, 2021
Upcoming Community Events Information Courtesy of Lori Landes - Carter, Tourism Manager, Orange County Tourism
Around Town Scavenger Hunt
See the details on the following page. Download your hunt: https:// - here/orange - county - is - retail - ready
Liberty Mills Farm Corn Maze
Largest Corn Maze in the U.S.! The theme this year, “ America the Beautiful. ” September 11 th through the second weekend of November.
Gordonsville's Famous Fried Chicken Festival
Saturday, October 2, 2021 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Gordonsville ’ s Chicken Run - 5k Run with a 1K Kids Fun Run
Saturday, October 2, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Annual Antiques Appraisal Fair at the James Madison Museum
Saturday, October 16, 2021
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
On the Grounds of James Madison ’ s Montpelier
Saturday, November 6, 2021
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Page 10 | September, 2021 Be sure to bookmark the Visit Orange events page so you don ’ t miss the fun!
Courtesy of Orange County Economic Development & Tourism
The Orange County Office of Economic Development and Tourism is pleased to host the First Annual Around Town Scavenger Hunt . The event began Friday, August 6, 2021, and will conclude on Sunday, October 3, 2021. Players follow photo clues from the event flyer to locate ten (10) architectural details around the downtown areas of Gordonsville and Orange. Six (6) lucky winners will be randomly drawn and awarded a $50 gift card. Grab a friend and your walking shoes and start scavenging!
“ We encourage our residents and visitors alike to get out and explore our Towns, and invite them to try a new restaurant, or visit a new shop while they are on the hunt, ” stated Susan Turner, Economic Development and Tourism Assistant. Event forms can be downloaded at - here/orange - county - is - retail - ready or picked up at the Visitor Centers in the Town of Orange and Town of Gordonsville. Once each object has been located, write their location on the entry form, and submit your completed form by Monday, October 4, 2021, to For more information on the Around Town Scavenger Hunt , please contact Susan Turner, Economic Development and Tourism Assistant, at (540) 672 - 1238.
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Page 12 | September, 2021
Page 13 | September, 2021
Are You Prepared?
September is National Preparedness Month and a great reminder to plan for emergencies such as natural disasters, power outages, and illness. has an abundance of resources that can help your family create a plan, build a preparedness kit, and find local resources.
When discussing your family ’ s emergency plan try to keep the following in mind:
• How will we receive emergency alerts?
What is our shelter plan?
• What is our evacuation plan?
• What is our family communication plan?
• What do we need to include in our emergency preparedness kit? • How can we provide for our pets during emergencies? also has resources for business owners including resource management, training, business impact analysis tools, and more.
Page 14 | September, 2021
Page 15 | September, 2021
Page 16 | September, 2021
Orange County and Its Ties to the U.S. Constitution By Michelle Williams, Deputy Clerk / Senior Administrative Assistant Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia. Out of the 70 delegates appointed by the original states (except Rhode Island) to the Constitutional Convention, 55 attended the Constitutional Convention sessions, but only 39 actually signed the Constitution. Individuals such as Richard Henry Lee, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Adams, and John Hancock did not accept their appointment or were not able to attend. View a biographical index of the Framers of the Constitution. James Madison, the fourth President of the United States and Orange County resident, was an integral part of the ratification of the Constitution by drafting The Federalist Papers, with Alexander Hamilton and John Fray. Because of his part, he was warmly referred to as the “ Father of the Constitution. ” The twelfth President, Zachary Taylor, was born in 1784 at the Montebello plantation, nestled just outside of Barboursville. Orange County citizens and employees are encouraged to observe this important day in our nation ’ s history by attending local events such as Constitution Day at James Madison ’ s Montpelier on Saturday, September 18, 2021. Activities such as house tours, garden and archaeology tours, a food truck, live music, an onsite visit from Mr. Madison, and a sale in the Museum Shop will take place. Visitors can also take a stroll through the James Madison Museum and explore the Madison Room exhibit that displays items belonging to the Madison and Taylor families.
For more information on Orange County ’ s rich history, visit,, or contact the Tourism Office at (540) 672 - 1653.
Zachary Taylor photo courtesy of
James Madison photo courtesy of
Page 17 | September, 2021
Page 18 | September, 2021
6 th Annual Quad - County Business Summit Planning Team Announces Speakers and QuadTank Pitch Competition Details
Orange Economic Development and the Quad County Business Summit County Planning Committee are pleased to announce this year ’ s Summit will include keynote speaker, Kiley Doll, a local serial entrepreneur. Kiley is passionate about the empowerment of struggling entrepreneurs and uses every challenge she has encountered during her career to mentor budding business owners. Her enthusiasm for progress has led to the pursuit of a prosperous career consulting and working with household brands like Amazon, EO, and Berkshire Hathaway.
The Summit will also feature a local business owner panel discussion with live Q & A. Panelists include, Peter Rice, Chairman of BoxInBoxOut, LLC, located in Madison County, Andrew Mavraganis, COO & CFO of Spire Collective, located in Fluvanna County, and Shannon Horton, General Manager of Horton Vineyards, located in Orange County. We will round out the Summit with the QuadTank, a winner takes all pitch competition. To date, $6,750 has been raised to award to the winner of the Competition. We would like to graciously thank all of our generous sponsors: Dominion Energy, Rappahannock Electric Cooperative, Woods Rogers Attorneys at Law, Community Bank of the Chesapeake, First Citizens Bank, KileyCo, BC Photography, Orange Downtown Alliance, Firefly, Xpress Copy & Graphics, Community Investment Collaborative, Orange County Chamber of Commerce, Madison County Chamber of Commerce, Louisa County Chamber of Commerce, Greene County Chamber of Commerce, and Fluvanna County Chamber of Commerce.
The full 2021 Summit agenda, QuadTank Pitch Guidelines, and registration is now live at https://
For more information regarding the event, please contact Rose Deal, Director at (540) 672 - 1238.
Page 19 | September, 2021
Return to Earn Grant Program Modified The Return to Earn program has been modified and the hiring bonus match is no longer required. The new guidance noted below & program application can be found on the Virginia Career Works - Piedmont Region website at . The Piedmont Workforce Development Board has been awarded a $92,155 grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia to assist small businesses to incentivize unemployed individuals to return to the workforce. This innovative program serves as a dual - purpose initiative to help unemployed Virginian ’ s transition back into living wage jobs, particularly in the childcare industry, while providing support to small businesses to assist with their hiring needs. While many companies are offering hiring bonuses, the Return to Earn Grant Program serves small businesses that may not have the resources to provide this financial support. The initial launch of this program will be funded through Virginia ’ s Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) set aside.
Funding Criteria
a) The initiative will reimburse up to $500 that a qualifying small business pays directly to a new employee hired after May 31st, 2021, with a maximum of 25 new hires per employer. Small businesses may provide larger hiring bonuses to new hires in association with the Return to Earn Program, but the state will only reimburse up to $500 per employee. b) Only employers with fewer than 100 employees across all Virginia locations may qualify for reimbursable funds. The employment facility where new hires will be placed must be in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the employer must also be incorporated in Virginia. c) Wages for new hires must be a minimum of $15.00 per hour. The position must beW - 2 employment but can be part - or full - time. Funds may only be provided to new employees hired by the employer, and the individual hired must be currently unemployed (as attested by the individual). As of August 30, 2021, the new hire receiving the hiring bonus must have been previously unemployed for one month (30 calendar days) or longer as attested to by the new hire. d) It is strongly recommended that businesses do not provide the funds to the new hire until the new hire has remained with the company for at least three months
e) Any one individual may receive only one hiring bonus.
f) New hires must be hired no later than December 31, 2021.
For the qualifying small business to be reimbursed, all forms and documentation must be completed, signed, and submitted with paid invoices to verify expenditures.
If you have questions about your specific project, please contact Dave Kilgore at the email address shown below. Please email the signed Employer Agreement , including the excel spreadsheet and copies of paid invoices/receipts, to
Page 20 | September, 2021
Orange County Economic Development and Workforce Center to Host Outdoor Hiring Event
On Wednesday, October 6, 2021, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., the Orange County Economic Development Office along with the Virginia Career Works Center in Orange County will host an outdoor Hiring Event. Jobseekers from the community are invited to speak to hiring managers and learn about job openings in manufacturing, food service, administration, healthcare, agriculture, and distribution. “ This is a fantastic time to be a job - seeker in Orange County ,” noted Marty Bywaters - Baldwin with the Virginia Career Works Center. “ We are seeing local businesses respond with some of the most competitive wages and hiring packages in years. ” Rose Economic Development for Orange County, noted, “ We are excited to partner with the Orange Workforce Center to offer this outdoor job fair to connect our Orange County business community with job - seekers. With over 100 available job opportunities, job - seekers are sure to find something that matches their skill set and interests at the event. We encourage job - seekers to stop by and check out the variety of great opportunities that exist here in Orange County. ” Deal, Director of
The event will be held outdoors, at the Sedwick Building, located at 146 N. Madison Road, Orange, and all participants are encouraged to register for the event at
For more information regarding this event, please contact Marty Bywaters - Baldwin at (540) 847 - 9238. Free resume writing assistance is also available through the Virginia Career Works Center, located at 127 Belleview Ave, Orange, or by calling (540) 661 - 3419.
Page 21 | September, 2021
Full - time Opportunities
Part - time Opportunities
Building and Development Services Manager Business Systems Analyst Communications Officer Director of Public Works Firefighter / Medic Maintenance Technician Personal Property Tax Tech Planner Senior Maintenance Tech Senior Planner Deputy Sheriff– Patrol
Airport Operations Worker Child Care Teacher – OES
Child Care Teacher Assistant – GBES Child Care Teacher Assistant – LES Child Care Teacher Assistant – LGPS Collection Attendant Animal Caretaker Seasonal/Temporary Parks Maintenance Worker
Page 22 | September, 2021
Please LIKE and follow the official County of Orange Virginia Facebook page to stay informed of the latest news from your County ’ s government. Weather and holiday related office closings, health and safety information, events, news, and more, we have it all!
Page 23 | September, 2021
Orange County Public Schools Calendar 2021 - 2022
Link to Calendar
Page 24 | September, 2021 age 24 | epte ber, 2021
Seasonal Apples By Jill Wong, Unit Support Staff, Virginia Cooperative Extension - Orange Office
There is something special about the crunch of a fresh apple that brings back memories of climbing apple trees and using the handmade picker that my dad made. It was some concoction that he put together to grab those perfect pieces of fruit that were just out of our reach. Many times, we would wake up to a pile of them that had fallen off their branches overnight. Anxiously gathering them in our shirts or mom ’ s baskets because we knew what it meant later in the day! A piping hot apple crisp, perfectly seasoned applesauce or even a tasty salad. Don ’ t worry if you do not have your own fruit trees … there are several local orchards and perfectly good apples at your favorite grocery store! Fall is approaching and many delicious varieties are available. Which of these will you use in your next dish?
Gala In season: mid - August to late October Flavor: sweet Honeycrisp In season: mid - August to late September Flavor: sweet + tart Empire In season: late August to mid - October Flavor: sweet Jonathan In season: early September to mid - November Flavor: tart Cortland In season: early September to mid - November Flavor: sweet Red Delicious In season: mid - September to mid - November Flavor: sweet Jonagold: In season: mid - September to mid - November Flavor: sweet
Page 25 | September, 2021
Best Apple Crisp - Betty Crocker Courtesy of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Orange Office
4 medium tart cooking apples, sliced (4 cups)
3/ 4 cup packed brown sugar
1/ 2 cup Gold Medal ™ all - purpose flour
1/ 2 cup quick - cooking or old - fashioned oats
1/ 3 cup butter, softened
3/ 4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/ 4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
Cream or Ice cream, if desired
1 Heat oven to 375°F. Grease bottom and sides of 8 - inch square pan with shortening.
2 Spread apples in pan. In medium bowl, stir remaining ingredients except cream until well mixed; sprinkle over apples.
3 Bake about 30 minutes or until topping is golden brown and apples are tender when pierced with a fork.
Serve warm with cream.
Page 26 | September, 2021
2021 Personal Property Taxes and Second half Real Estate Taxes are due on Monday, December 6, 2021. (December 5 th falls on a weekend, therefore, the due date defaults to the next business day). Original billing statements will be mailed late September and amounts due are available here.
The Orange County Treasurer ’ s Office accepts payments through the following methods: · Via drop box, located at 112. W. Main Street, Orange. · Online: Payment Options page on the Orange County website. · By mail to the Orange County Treasurer, P.O. Box 469, Orange, VA 22960.
2020 DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES On September 1, 2021, all unpaid 2020 taxes were handed over to Taxing Authority Consulting Services, P.C. (TACS) for further collections. If you owe 2020 and prior, call (804) 545 - 2500 to pay or make arrangements to pay.
DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE TAXES Real estate parcels that are more than two years delinquent are assigned to TACS, P.C. for collections and processing for the tax sale of property. Any collection administrative or legal costs incurred to collect the taxes owed will be charged to the taxpayer.
REMINDERS If your address has changed since 2020 billing, please contact the Commissioner of the Revenue ’ s Office (540) 672 - 4441 to update your address on your tax records.
Short - Term Rental (Transient Occupancy Tax) - 3 rd quarter filings are due by Sunday, October 31, 2021. More information can be found at http:// - Occupancy - Tax - Short - Term - Renta
For more information, visit Dawn Herndon, Treasurer | (540) 672 - 2656 |
Page 27 | September, 2021
Citizens Ask...
By Michelle Williams
Q: Can the County Attorney help me with my legal issue? A: The County Attorney represents the Orange County Board of Supervisors, and the various departments in the county government. As such, he cannot provide legal advice or opinions to citizens, or private individuals. If you need private representation, you may wish to consult your personal attorney, contact the Legal Aid Justice Center at (434) 977 - 0553, or the Virginia Lawyer Referral Service at (800) 552 - 7977. Q: Where can I find job opportunities with the County? How can I apply? A: Current openings can be found on the County ’ s Human Resources ’ Job Opportunities page and on To apply directly with the County, applications can be picked up from the County Administrator ’ s Office, located at 112 W. Main Street, Orange, downloaded from the website, or apply online. To be notified of the latest job openings, sign up for notifications.
Karen Gibson
Get to know Orange County staff... The Personnel File:
Specialist, Human Resources Department Employment Start: July 2008
Human Resources Specialist, Karen Gibson, has worked for Orange County since July 2008.
Karen is the backbone of the Human Resources department. She brings many years of HR experience to the table and that depth of knowledge is relied upon daily. Employees are always met by her welcoming demeanor and contagious smile. She has been instrumental in ensuring that employee needs and requests are responded to and works tirelessly to maintain a solid new - hire employee experience. Her ability and willingness to jump in and take on additional tasks on the busiest of days is extremely valued. “ I could not be on this journey without her, and I appreciate everything she has done for the Human Resources Department and the employees of Orange County, ” said Jenny Carpenter, Human Resources Director.
When Karen isn ’ t at work, she enjoys quilting, crocheting, spending time with her two granddaughters, Ashton and Abigail, and spreading the importance of practicing compassion toward others. In Karen ’ s own words, “ be still. ”
Page 28 | September, 2021
Orange County Communications Department 112 W. Main Street P.O. Box 111 Orange, VA 22960
Meet Gunner! This sweet boy was surrendered to us at about 5 months of age for being too rough with the small children in the home. He was terrified when he first came in, but is doing so much better now. He seems to enjoy other dogs and is interested in kitties, but may be too much for them or an older dog. He needs a very active family that will dedicate time to training him and properly exercising him. He needs leash training. We all know what happens with an unsocialized, untrained , and unexercised puppy! If interested, please go to the County website and fill out the preadoption application and email to the director.
Visit us on Facebook See Adoptable Pets Here (540) 672 - 1124 Directions: 11362 Porter Road Orange VA 22960
Come find a friend at The Orange County Animal Shelter
Page 29 | September, 2021
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